
Your friendly neighborhood blogger has heard people in political conversations — for years — bring up how “weird” it was that Nancy Reagan believed in astrology and what implications it might have for the country since her husband was the commander in chief. This week, however, the mainstream media ran as fast as possible away from a WikiLeaks reveal that Hillary Clinton’s right-hand man, John Podesta — and his Clinton-bundler D.C. lobbyist brother Tony — are good friends with Marina Abramovic. She is the “performance artist” who has a passion for getting naked, cutting herself, and doing all sorts of bizarre things with sperm and blood.

Translation: Republican wife who thinks there may be something to astrology = Scandalous. Liberal elite rings who think “Spirit Cooking” and blood mixtures painted on golems (clay figures used during religious ceremonies) is normal = non-story.

Earlier this week I was sifting through WikiLeaks files when I ran across an invitation from Tony Podesta to his brother John to attend a “Spirit Cooking” dinner with Ms. Abramovic (i.e., the lady who gets upset on Twitter when she’s accused of being into satanic rituals despite creating an @AbramovicM666 account).

“Are you in NYC Thursday July 9 Marina wants you to come to dinner Mary?” — Tony Podesta, June 28, 2015.

“Dear Tony, I am so looking forward to the Spirit Cooking dinner at my place. Do you think you will be able to let me know if your brother is joining? All my love, Marina.”  — Marina Abramovic, June 25, 2015.

These people are obviously good friends. This is how you speak with your inner circle. Therefore, it is newsworthy that someone who will literally be able to whisper in the ear of the commander in chief if Hillary Clinton is elected president hangs out with freaks.

Here is what the New York Times said of Ms. Abramovic on Nov. 1:

“You will need to be able to withstand a great deal of conversation about clairvoyants and tarot cards and didgeridoos and kundalini life forces and monks and gurus and ‘how the soul can leave the body through the center of the fontanel of the head’ to make it very far in this memoir. …

Ms. Abramovic reports in ‘Walk Through Walls’ that under the right circumstances, she can foresee world events,” the newspaper wrote. “‘I dreamed of an earthquake in Italy: 48 hours later, there was an earthquake in southern Italy. I had a vision of someone shooting the Pope: 48 hours later, someone tried to shoot Pope John Paul II.’”

Ask yourself this question: Who are your friends and what do you guys do on the weekend? Do you fill tubs with blood-like goo and naked women and then eat from their bodies, or do you go to a steakhouse and have fun over a few beers?

Ask yourself this question: Why does Hillary Clinton’s inner circle include Anthony Weiner — a man who is under FBI investigation for sexual messages to a teenage girl; Bill Clinton (need I say more?); and people who think Marina Abramovic’s naked self-mutilation and occult “art” is normal?

I wrote a story on this subject for work, but not a single mainstream media outlet covered it. They ignored it. They shunned it, ironically, like the devil. Meanwhile, Twitter and YouTube and other social media platforms exploded with “Spirit Cooking” trends. The traffic for the story was through the roof — and yet, silence.

People like Katie Pavlich over at Townhall, one of the few writers who addressed it, tried to torpedo the story entirely using giant straw-man arguments. Because Ms. Pavlich felt Infowars likened Mr. Podesta to a “blood sucking, hair eating devil worshipper,” then ipso facto there was nothing to cover.


You can tell a lot about a man by who his close friends are, and it speaks volumes that the Podestas receive “all my love” messages from a woman who thinks it’s normal to get naked in front of strangers and cut herself, or to create “aphrodisiac” recipes that require “fresh urine” and “fresh sperm milk” for “earthquake nights.”


For Townhall writers like Ms. Pavlich, it apparently means nothing that Ms. Abramovic a.) sees herself as a mystic, b.) says that performing her rituals at home makes “magic” possible, and c.) told artist James Franco that she hates the studio and loves to “perform” at home.

“If you are doing the occult magic in the context of art or in a gallery, then it is art. If you are doing it in a different context, in spiritual circles or private house or on TV shows, it is not art.” — Marina Abramovic on question about magic via Reddit interview.

Move along. Move along. Nothing to see here.

Oh, and did I mention that the artist now says she called the “Spirit” dinner that because “we just call things funny names”?

What are all the chances that out of all the “funny” names she could have picked, she used “Spirit Cooking dinner”?


And here is what she told Mr. Franco:

“I hate studio, to start with. Studio is a trap. Studio is the worst place — the artist should never be [there]. The art comes from life — not from studio.” — Marina Abramovic to James Franco via Wall Street Journal interview, December 2009.

The mainstream media is filled with a bunch of people who are obsessed about losing their place within “The Inner Ring” that C.S. Lewis spoke about years ago.

The mainstream media are terrified about what will happen if they cover an explosive story about Hillary Clinton’s inner circle and then she is elected president. That is why CNN and others had to be dragged kicking and screaming to cover WikiLeaks, FBI investigations into the former secretary of state, and the “pay-for-play” corruption of The Clinton Foundation.

But hey, maybe I’m wrong and the Podesta brothers’ buddy-buddy relationship with Marina “Eat the Pain” Abramovic is not worth your time.


Exit Question: What are the chances that late-night comedians and SNL would have a field day if Donald Trump’s inner circle included an “artist” whose works required her to sit on mountains of bloody bones, stab her fingers, and “eat the pain”?

Just “art.”



  1. LOL, may we live in interesting times.

    The hypocrisy and double standard is just astounding. A big fan of Bill Clinton, still has his picture upon her wall, recently lectured me about the horrors of Donald Trump and his inability to keep his hands off of women, without a trace of irony in her voice.

    1. “The hypocrisy and double standard is just astounding. A big fan of Bill Clinton, still has his picture upon her wall, recently lectured me about the horrors of Donald Trump and his inability to keep his hands off of women, without a trace of irony in her voice.”

      And Hillary Clinton tried to systematically destroy the reputations of every woman who ever accused her husband of sexual harassment or rape.

      I had a friend on Facebook vote and then write #Imwithher. I thought, “It’s one thing to vote for her, but why would you proudly announce it to the world after everything that we know?”

    1. “This is just disgusting.”

      A friend of mine said that the reason no one wants to cover it is because no one likes to confront evil. It’s one thing to blast policies, but this stuff gets into a realm that people are simply not prepared to enter. On many levels I agree with her.

  2. Absolutely disgusting to say the least. I recently came across a link to a woman named Cathy O’Brien and also several You Tube videos. If what she claims is true, why isn’t the media covering it?

    It’s horrifying that this sort thing happens but there is a lot of corruption and evil in high places right around the world.

    I felt sick to the stomach reading about what she went through. I had to stop reading and I didn’t even finish watching some of the videos. I just want to cleanse my mind of the depravity I read about.

    If the allegations are true, then the Clintons truely are perverted and depraved.

    1. “Absolutely disgusting to say the least. I recently came across a link to a woman named Cathy O’Brien and also several You Tube videos. If what she claims is true, why isn’t the media covering it?”

      One thing I will say is that I generally stay as far away as possible from conspiracy theories. All I do know is that the Podestas are friends with a really creepy woman who, if she were friends with Donald Trump, would be the subject of endless ridicule on late-night television.

      We also know that Anthony Weiner is a sick man and a pervert. We also know that Bill Clinton has serious sexual issues. And that countless people who are close to the Clintons always have FBI investigations looming over their heads.

      These things just don’t happen out of thin air, and it annoys me that Mrs. Clintons defenders make it seem like they do.

    2. Yeah I vowed 23 years ago to stay away from conspiracy theories, they really do your head in.

      I threw quite a number of books on all sorts of crazy stuff in the bin back then and I regret coming across those links, but as we know the internet is littered with all sorts of stuff.

    1. “But Doug…John Podesta never attended, it’s just art, and besides–it was simply a dinner where they call things funny names. That’s all…”

      Heh. Yep. The Washington Post went the Katie Pavlich route. Gotta love the Straw Man arguments.

      Speaking of The Post, it’s interesting that they did a puff piece on Tony Podesta and thought it was totally normal that his art collection — in addition to pieces on dismembered women — includes pictures of naked teenagers.

      “Not always. Folks attending a house tour in the Lake Barcroft neighborhood in Falls Church earlier this year got an eyeful when they walked into a bedroom at the Podesta residence hung with multiple color pictures by Katy Grannan, a photographer known for documentary-style pictures of naked teenagers in their parents’ suburban homes.”

      Hmmm. Big-time lobbyist and Clinton-bundler is into some seriously weird “art” and runs with a bunch of “Spirit Cooking” freaks. No biggie. Nothing to see here, people. 😉

    2. “Not always. Folks attending a house tour in the Lake Barcroft neighborhood in Falls Church earlier this year got an eyeful when they walked into a bedroom at the Podesta residence hung with multiple color pictures by Katy Grannan, a photographer known for documentary-style pictures of naked teenagers in their parents’ suburban homes.”

      If an average person had this kind of “art” at their house, they’d be arrested right away. Chris Hansen would pay them a visit, too.

    3. “If an average person had this kind of “art” at their house, they’d be arrested right away. Chris Hansen would pay them a visit, too.”

      And we know from FOIA requests that Bill Clinton flew on Jeffrey Epstein’s “Lolita Express” — often times ditching his Secret Service agents.

      Anthony Weiner (now-estranged Husband of Hillary Clinton top aide Huma Abedin): Under FBI investigation for sending sexual messages to a teenager.

      Bill Clinton: Ditched Secret Service agents while flying on a known pedophile’s “Lolita Express.”

      Tony Podesta (Clinton bundler): Hangs out with “Spirit Cooking” freaks and fills his home with images of naked teenagers.

      How can any argue that this isn’t incredibly disturbing?

  3. This is beyond disgusting. I had never heard of spirit cooking prior to the Wiki-Leaks e-mails, and I’m disturbed that I know what it is. Trust me, I was a much happier man before I knew about it.

    The media is in the tank for Clinton, so it’s not surprising that they’re ignoring the story. The few responses from the left that I’ve seen are in the vein of Katie Pavlich’s (a supposed “conservative”) and are acting like it’s no big deal that one of Clinton’s buddies hangs out with these Satanic freaks. One girl I went to high school with recently posted something in the vein of “is there seriously any group Republicans and Trump-supporters won’t discriminate against?” Apparently if the Clintons do it, it’s okay, but imagine if Trump was involved in this stuff… you’d never hear the end of it.

    One of my relatives also compared it to the Satanic ritual abuse controversy from the 1980s and posted a link to Snopes and added her own little comment, “Debunked, debunked, debunked.” Yeah, it’s amazing how many people take these “fact-checking” sites at face value. They’re nothing more than shills for the left. Any group that goes out of its way to say it’s non-partisan, usually isn’t.

    1. “One of my relatives also compared it to the Satanic ritual abuse controversy from the 1980s and posted a link to Snopes and added her own little comment, ‘Debunked, debunked, debunked.’ Yeah, it’s amazing how many people take these “fact-checking” sites at face value. They’re nothing more than shills for the left.”

      Snopes’ attempts to discredit WikiLeaks has shown a lot of people that its “fact checks” are certainly not objective.

      The existence of “fact-checkers” allows partisan and lazy people to just say, “See, the fact-checkers say it’s a lie…so I’m done listening to you.” The don’t even bother putting forth a counter-argument on Facebook. They do stuff like “Debunked, debunked, debunked,” as you’ve mentioned.

    2. “Snopes’ attempts to discredit WikiLeaks has shown a lot of people that its “fact checks” are certainly not objective.

      “The existence of ‘fact-checkers’ allows partisan and lazy people to just say, ‘See, the fact-checkers say it’s a lie…so I’m done listening to you.’ The don’t even bother putting forth a counter-argument on Facebook. They do stuff like ‘Debunked, debunked, debunked,” as you’ve mentioned.'”

      Agreed. Like the Daily Caller said a few months ago, Snopes should go back to debunking Bigfoot and things like that. It’s quite apparent that they are anything but objective. Same with Politifact and Fact check. org. Oh, and also Joss Whedon’s “non-partisan” Save the Day organization.

  4. well….there went breakfast

    High on the list of “Things John Oliver, Trevor Noah, Seth Meyers, Jimmy Kimmel and SNL would ridicule on repeat with snark, smirks, quips and assorted feigned moral shock if it were a republican”


  5. “But…but…Trump said vulgar stuff years ago. He cheated on his taxes, so he didn’t support the troops and veterans. He had businesses that went bankrupt. He fat-shamed Miss Universe. He won’t let refugees into the country, so he’s a racist. He’s greedy and selfish. And, besides, Hillary’s going to give me free college tuition so I can spend the next four years (or more) going to class 15 hours and week, and partying and doing drugs and having casual sex the other 153 hours a week.”

    “Trump said off-color stuff in a private conversation ten years ago. You’ve said worse, and so has everyone you know. And that pales in comparison to the Clintons’ multiple trips to Pedophile Island. He took advantage of legal tax loopholes. The Clintons took a deduction for donating to their own Clinton Foundation, which is a political slush fund masquerading as a charity. And spare me the crocodile tears for the troops and veterans. Obama cut veterans’ benefits, while increasing funding to bring in Syrian immigrants. Trump had hundreds of businesses. Fewer than ten went bankrupt. Clinton had one business, Whitewater. It went bankrupt, and investors lost their shirts. Alicia Machado is a publicity-seeking gold digger. Common sense, reasonable immigration reform is not racism. ISIS Trojan Horses and Mexican drug dealers are not a race. Trump was in Louisiana helping with relief efforts while Obama was playing golf. And you are an able-bodied young adult. You could get a job and go to classes three nights a week on your own time, paying the tuition with your own money.”

    “You’re a racist!”

  6. I haven’t visited here as often in the past but I had to see if you’d covered this story since infancy I knew and accepted the world would inevitably be taken over by the UN beast you don’t need a masters degree to read Revelation moreover the Clinton’s are associated with so many scandals it’s hard not to matter of fact when relating most new information but you have to have serious mental health problems to not be outraged at the prospect of satanist pedophiles running the white house.

    1. “I haven’t visited here as often in the past but I had to see if you’d covered this story since infancy I knew and accepted the world would inevitably be taken over by the UN beast.”

      I was going to go to bed last week and I just stumbled across that WikiLeaks file and said, “Hmmm. Let me look into this.” Well, I got chills down my spine and the hair on my arms was literally standing up as I started researching everything.

      The comments section in the article I wrote for work (at least as it pertains to Clinton supporters) is incredibly frustrating at times. There are people who seem to think it’s no big deal because there isn’t video of Tony Podesta sacrificing a goat. The New York Times book review for her memoir says she sees herself as a mystic, but because Infowars covered the story then that’s all anyone talks about. Truth is truth, and Tony Podesta goes to “Spirit Dinners” with one weird woman. And that’s putting it nicely.

      Now this lady says she just called the private dinner a “Spirit Cooking” event because she calls things “funny names.” Huh?! That makes no sense.

      She wrote a freakin’ book called “Spirit Cooking” and made numerous “Spirit Cooking” videos, so the logical thing to conclude is that she says what she means and means what she says. It’s maddening that zero mainstream media outlets covered this story.

      Anyway, thanks for stopping in. I appreciate it.

    2. I’ve mentioned it before, Doug, but it’s funny how liberals loved Wikileaks when it was releasing things about the Bush administration and now they hate it because it’s exposing the Clintons’ corruption and claim that it’s “Putin and Trump’s doing.” The hypocrisy is mind-boggling.

    3. “I’ve mentioned it before, Doug, but it’s funny how liberals loved Wikileaks when it was releasing things about the Bush administration and now they hate it because it’s exposing the Clintons’ corruption and claim that it’s ‘Putin and Trump’s doing.’ The hypocrisy is mind-boggling.”

      The nature of all whistleblowers is that they are going outside the system to get important information out. They break the law to expose corruption. Given that, we should take each WikiLeaks release on a case-by-case basis. If WikiLeaks exposes identities of Afghan interpreters who then get murdered by terrorists, then that is reprehensible. But if WikiLeaks exposes U.S. war crimes or, say, corruption by a woman who may realistically be president, then that is totally legit.

      The mainstream media did a horrible job covering WikiLeaks. I think they were terrified that Hillary was going to win and then cut off access to anyone who did honest reporting. The good thing about my job is that I do not care what Hillary Clinton or her inner circle thinks of me. I pseudo-joked to my friends that if I wind up missing then they will know why … but every time I saw a WikiLeaks document worth reporting and I had time it was written up.

    1. Yes I hate it when the atheist whine about how awful it supposedly was the Israelites got rid of them as if it was this awful genocide when of course archaologist and anthropologist who actually study the canaanites say they are surprised God didn’t wipe them out sooner.

    2. “Yes I hate it when the atheist whine about how awful it supposedly was the Israelites got rid of them as if it was this awful genocide when of course archaologist and anthropologist who actually study the canaanites say they are surprised God didn’t wipe them out sooner.”

      The other thing about those arguments is that they’re based on the premise that lives taken by God were not always HIS to begin with. Once we start thinking we are the sole “owner” of life, then we’re already far off the righteous path. My job isn’t to question God’s plan — it’s to be thankful and do the best I can with the time I’ve been given.

    1. “Sort of related, Doug, but it looks like our old “friend” from Canada is having a complete and total meltdown over the election.”

      His true colors revealed, Carl! I mean, we got a taste on this blog…but he apparently gets really nasty when he doesn’t have a moderator viewing his behavior.

      Poor X-Men Expert. Where did it all go wrong? 😉

    2. “His true colors revealed, Carl! I mean, we got a taste on this blog…but he apparently gets really nasty when he doesn’t have a moderator viewing his behavior.”

      It’s not the first time I’ve dealt with someone who pretends to be moderate and tolerant of all issues… and turns out to be anything but. Stuff like that is a big reason why I avoid political discussions on Facebook these days.

      “Poor X-Men Expert. Where did it all go wrong?😉”

      He comes across as an unhinged lunatic. Like you said, we got a taste on this blog, what with him saying I “don’t care” about comics because I pointed out that anyone can be harassed, or him lecturing us about invisible privilege… but the stuff on his Twitter feed. Wow. He needs help.

    3. His response on his blog (I won’t link to it; he doesn’t deserve the traffic, not that he gets a lot to begin with) is just as bad. All he does is say “f*** you: over and over again and espouse conspiracy theories about “conversion therapy” and basically compares Trump and Pence to Nazis. So much for being “tolerant” of opposing views. People like him, the Social Justice Whackos, are the reason why I voted for Trump in the first place.

      He’s yet another Internet Tough Guy who rarely ventures out of his bubble because he knows if he comes back here (or any other website that doesn’t share his insane views) he’ll receive pushback. And he doesn’t like that. He definitely needs help.

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