Spider Rocket

The Amazing Spider-Man #9 does not come out until March 9, but regular readers of this blog will be happy (or is that sad?) to know that epic levels of stupidity that were predicted by yours truly in October 2015 are included in the issue. Dan Slott’s “Spider-Rockets” will finally arrive, as revealed in Marvel’s “free previews” handout. Spider-Man is eventually seen crashing and burning into earth’s atmosphere like a piece of space junk, and at this point it is hard not to apply the analogy to the actual product.

As I wrote for my review of ASM #2 on Oct. 21, 2015:

“At this point it doesn’t seem far-fetched to predict Dan Slott turning him into Marvel’s Elon Musk. Instead of Space-X, perhaps Peter Parker will launch “Spider-X.” If readers criticize the “Spider-Rockets” that are introduced in ASM #25, then they will be mocked and ridiculed by those who “know better” (i.e., Marvel’s writers and editors).”

It turns out writer Dan Slott is 16 issues ahead of schedule. Unfortunately, that is a bad thing.

ernst blog ASM review

Question for fans of The Amazing Spider-Man: What does it say about a book where a blogger can come up with an absurd prediction to highlight the book’s decline, and then have it come true in less than six months?

Stay tuned to douglasernstblog for a review of ASM #9. The stars are aligning for a review that has been five months in the making.



  1. I’m just saying this, THIS is just getting ridiculous. Just how do these people expect up to find this Spider-Man/Peter relatable. I’ll say again, THIS is getting ridiculous.

    1. “Actually it gone beyond ridiculous.”

      Maybe we should come up with a contest to come up with the must absurd idea possible that still seems like it might have a chance of making it into this run of The Amazing Spider-Man. Heh.

      My wife was wondering if Dan Slott read my review and basically wrote in the Spider-Rockets into a future issue as an, “Oh yeah! I’ll show you!” kind of thing. That would be hilarious given our history, although I told her I think Marvel needs a little more than four months to turn that stuff around. Maybe not. I’m not up on all that stuff. I think it’s just me predicting something that is incredibly embarrassing for the title. Sigh.

    2. “I’m just saying this, THIS is just getting ridiculous. Just how do these people expect up to find this Spider-Man/Peter relatable.

      Wait, you mean billionaire Peter Parker who builds his own rockets when you’re not looking and then just randomly launches them one issue isn’t relatable? Come on, Animehunter. You must have an “agenda.” 😉

  2. “Maybe we should come up with a contest to come up with the must absurd idea possible that still seems like it might have a chance of making it into this run of The Amazing Spider-Man. Heh.”

    I’ll start, Parker Industries Space Station & Parker Industries Moon Base.

    1. I’ll start, Parker Industries Space Station & Parker Industries Moon Base.

      Good one!

      How about Teleportation webbing?

      No more webbing up criminals and hanging them up on lampposts. Just put them in enough “Teleportation Webbing” and then use your Parker Industries wrist-watch to type in the destination of the local police department. It will be located in web-cartridge 47. To fit with the non-sensical nature of the book, it will only be revealed five issues later that Peter’s suit also has teleportation capabilities, although the capacity would be limited as it uses up a lot of electrical juice.

    2. Space Cowboy with Laser Web-Shooters that is faster than light itsef. And Spider-Man now can breath in space while Lian gives him food, IN SPACE.

      Now serious, brand new to the blog here Doug, loved your honest work reviewing ASM. Keep up the good work.

    3. Laser Web-Shooters that is faster than light itself.”

      Haha! Instead of “Thwip!” the laser shooters will just go, “Pew! Pew! Pew!” 😉

      Man, that’s a pretty solid entry. I don’t even know where to go after that one. Heh. Since spiders often have multiple eyes, perhaps he’ll have a costume that uses technology to give him 360-degree Spider-Vision. Now Spidey can have “eyes” in the back of his head…

      “Now serious, brand new to the blog here Doug, loved your honest work reviewing ASM. Keep up the good work.”

      Thanks for taking the time to read and comment, Bernardo! I appreciate it. I’ll be reviewing ASM for quite some time to come. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the book. I’m always happy to hear what you have to say.

    4. I have some nutty ideas. These are so bad, they will probably come true.
      • Spider-man Megazord
      • “Perpetual Motion Machine” engine for Spider-mobile
      • “Cold Fusion Reactor” for Parker Industries
      • Spider-jetpack
      • Secret Underwater base with Spider-submarine
      • Paradox free time travel machine
      • Some sort of Spider-man version of the Green Lantern ring.

    5. “I have some nutty ideas. These are so bad, they will probably come true…”

      Not going to lie, I laughed at “Spider-Man Megazord.” 🙂 I think “Cold Fusion Reactor” is a good one, too. It would fit in with his whole “green” approach. It would be hilarious if that happened and then the writers totally forgot about it an issue later, as if that wouldn’t have far-reaching implications for billions of people.

      Good call on “Spider-Jetpack” as well!

      Maybe Parker Industries could create it’s own “Spider-Web Search Engine” to rival Google. And then we can go to certain comic book websites and fans will say, “Well, he is a math and science prodigy. I see no reason why he couldn’t randomly create a world-renown search engine in addition to the 10,000 other things he’s simultaneously doing.”

    6. How about Spider-webbing that compels you to tell the truth? Why not? Dan Slott already stole from one Superhero why not another?

    7. “How about Spider-webbing that compels you to tell the truth? Why not? Dan Slott already stole from one Superhero why not another?”

      The “Webbing of Truth”? Haha. Perhaps he can make an outfit that will allow him to “crawl” on the earth’s magnetic field. It’s not as cool as flying, but it would certainly look weird. Parker Industries technology gives you…The Amazing Magnider-Man? Noooooo!

    8. Coming January 2017: ASM Vol 5 #1: Peter as the Spider-Surfer, Herald Of Galactus.

      Meanwhile, Silver Surfer will become a crime-fighting vigilante on the gritty streets of New York.

    9. “Coming January 2017: ASM Vol 5 #1: Peter as the Spider-Surfer, Herald Of Galactus.”

      I honestly would not put it past Marvel to do something like that at this point.

  3. Just a moment. I’m remembering that first episode from the mid-90s cartoon, which had Spidey take a moment to lament not being a “galaxy-hopping superhero” like the Avengers and Fantastic Four.

    “Question for fans of The Amazing Spider-Man: What does it say about a book where a blogger can come up with an absurd prediction to highlight the book’s decline, and then have it come true in less than six months?”

    That Slott’s writing is not nearly as clever as he might think it is.

    1. “Just a moment. I’m remembering that first episode from the mid-90s cartoon, which had Spidey take a moment to lament not being a “galaxy-hopping superhero” like the Avengers and Fantastic Four.”

      Peter Parker is in his Elon Musk phase now, but it appears as though he seeks full-transition to Buzz Lightyear status. 😉 Enjoy reading Peter Parker Lightyear, the Spectacular Spider-Spaceman.

    2. “Enjoy reading Peter Parker Lightyear, the Spectacular Spider-Spaceman.”

      Peter is a sad strange little man, and he has my pity.

  4. I think the next writer will need to just start fresh, write a winking one- or two-panel hand wave of all this. No one will mind if the next guy launches straight into a “back to basics” story. Haven’t there been other famous characters that drifted far out to sea, and so the editors just had a, “Okay, let’s get back to form” re-start without bothering with prior nonsense? I think that happened with the 1960s Batman, because they had made him so silly.

    Hey, remember when the goal with OMD/BND was to bring Spider-Man back to his roots? Now we’re at, “Let’s indulge Dan Slott’s ambition to break a longevity record.”

    1. “I think the next writer will need to just start fresh, write a winking one- or two-panel hand wave of all this. No one will mind if the next guy launches straight into a ‘back to basics’ story.”

      Agreed. Thing are so convoluted for the next guy that you almost have to do something like that at this point.

      “Hey, remember when the goal with OMD/BND was to bring Spider-Man back to his roots? Now we’re at, ‘Let’s indulge Dan Slott’s ambition to break a longevity record.'”

      Myself and many of the readers on this blog have been saying for years now that Dan Sott loves Spider-Man, but has some weird animosity towards writing Peter Parker. I’m not sure how anyone can deny it at this point. He “killed” Peter and stuck him on the shelf for well over a year, he had him play second-fiddle in his own book, and now the character is so far removed from his roots, as you say, that he’s basically unrecognizable. He’s just some amalgamation of different heroes Dan Slott must like rolled into one — who just so happens to also have spider-powers.

    2. What needs to happen is damage control for this character because for all intents and purpose the charactor has been crap for 8 years because Magnetic Eye said in the best way possible that he’s no longer being written as a mature and competent 28 year-old man.
      But the worst of all of it, I think it’s being made on purpose because, look how different RYV Peter Parker to this 61… , I’m sorry, Prime Earth Peter Parker is in their attitude towards crime fighting and their life in general. But why do I think it’s being made on purpose well there are two possibilities for this :

      1 – Either Marvel wants to get rid of Peter Parker character by making other spin-off characters like, especially, Miles Morales better and in the near future let him, Miles Morales, in this case replace him.
      PS = This must Brian Michael Bendis’ dream.
      2 – Animehunter said this once about women in Peter Parker and in relation to Mephisto. Well it could be that Marvel is trying to laying seeds to bring the marriage back (I honestly doubt it but I can dream)

      But what needs to happen is end PI once end for all because at the begining it souded promesing, we can all agree that Dan Slott is an idea, so that would be his time to shine however what we got was in the first issue nonetheless, was: “Yeah Parker Industries is gonna end” so there was no point in getting invested and as time went on it was clear that Dan Slott was going to make it’s downfall all being Peter’s fault and just giving us, the readers, more and more options on how PI was going to end.

      Because for Dan Slott is all Peter Parker’s fault like being possessed by Doc Ock, not going with Sajani’s Ideas, Turning Black Cat into a criminal, the inevitable downfall of PI, MJ leaving, JJJ not being mayor anymore.

      But seriously the worst of all of it, fans are starting to accepting this as the new norm look at this “fan” in comicvine:

      “Cuz Peter isn’t all that relatable.(in a full way) Hes half insane (guilt complex, self hating martyr, self inflicted masochist), half depressed, a genius and a immature cocky clown. He’s like light ranch version of Deadpool. … This the guy who fixed a cosmic cube in his basement and hacked into Tony’s armor.”

      But by the end of the day it’s Marvel choice to let Slott do whatever the hell he wants and what he wants is write a charactor, that many fan looked up to, into a immature, man-chield, IRRESPONSIBLE, with flashi lights all around him.

    3. “But seriously the worst of all of it, fans are starting to accepting this as the new norm look at this “fan” in comicvine: “Cuz Peter isn’t all that relatable.(in a full way) Hes half insane (guilt complex, self hating martyr, self inflicted masochist), half depressed, a genius and a immature cocky clown. He’s like light ranch version of Deadpool. … This the guy who fixed a cosmic cube in his basement and hacked into Tony’s armor.”

      You are a very astute observer, Bernardo. Aside from telling jokes to hide fear or pain, the two are nothing alike. The other thing that is quite funny to watch is that because Peter is a science-minded guy, apparently anything — anything — that Dan Slott puts in the book that is related to science will be defended by fans who say, “Well, sounds believable to me.”

      Just because a guy excels at science, it doesn’t mean that he’s the world’s greatest biologist, astro-physicist, nuclear engineer, pharmaceutical guru, etc., with enough time to fluently learn Mandarin (in months), build Spider-Rockets, fight crime, get “very close” to a new girlfriend, and invent spider-homing beacons, Spider-Submarines and next-generation spider-suits. Unreal.

      The point is, you are very right about Marvel mucking up the character so much that the muck becomes the norm. If Peter Parker is just some superhero casserole and Dan Slott picks whatever “Peter” he wants out of the mash every month, then eventually people will see Peter as a casserole. And, as you said, at some point in time Miles Morales becomes more “Spider-Man” than the original Spider-Man.

      How strange is it that Marvel is setting the stage, (purposefully or not?), so that one day you will go on a message board and say, “This is how Spider-Man used to be,” and new readers will have absolutely no clue what you’re talking about? Spider-Man will get his “Deadpool light” issues, where instead of killing people he just breaks their legs and makes jokes… Sad.

    4. Mysterio is a godsend for the next guy. There was no Parker Industries. There was no SpOCK or Spider-Verse. It was all a very, very elaborate illusion created by Mysterio.

    5. “Mysterio is a godsend for the next guy. There was no Parker Industries. There was no SpOCK or Spider-Verse.”

      You know what? Normally, I’d advise against that sort of thing, but at this point I could look the other way if it got Peter Parker back to some semblance of normalcy.

    6. That’s a great idea! My favorite example of that was from the Punisher. Someone at one point thought it would be a great idea for him to kill himself and be resurrected to kill demons in order to earn the right to enter heaven to be with his family. Oddly enough, people didn’t really respond to that idea very well.

      Eventually, the best Punisher writer, Garth Ennis, took over the book and had Castle basically say “yeah, I tried that “avenging angel” thing for a while. Didn’t take.” I believe that was all the explanation that was ever given. When you get so far off the rails, sometimes it’s okay to just put things right again and try to forget about what happened.

      It is hard to see where you can go now. If Parker loses everything (and we can all imagine the reference to “Parker luck” before it happens) then he’ll always be a has-been loser in the future, a man capable of inventing things that would make him a fortune but too pathetic to get back on his feet. The only way to get rid of this now is to pull a Jean Grey/Phoenix thing where it isn’t really him, or One More Day it back again. For all the possibilities that marriage was supposed to close off, what about making Parker a freaking rich genius? How do you ever go back to down-on-his-luck average Joe from that?

    7. “For all the possibilities that marriage was supposed to close off, what about making Parker a freaking rich genius?”

      So we’ve got Peter Stark-Wayne-Elon Musk-Mark Zuckerberg Steve Job Parker. Yes, Peter has the rocket, but he hasn’t gone full Reed Richards yet. He needs to build a device that takes him to the Negative Zone! Then Peter Parker can really and truly be whatever the heck Dan Slott wants in any given issue. 😉

      Dan Slott’s Peter Parker is like those Dum-Dum “Mystery” lollipops that are made out of the leftover syrup from all the flavors. Sigh.

    8. Eidolon, thanks for helping me to realize the true extent of the damage being done. How does he return status quo without looking like the biggest loser in the Marvel Universe? We are truly witnessing a low point well below what the clone saga could ever hope to be.

    9. You know what? I actually miss Brand New Day. It wasn’t the best idea, but at least Peter was still half the Spider-Man than he is now.

      This is why I like Spidey, it’s like a reboot out of continuity.

  5. It’s because Dan Slott rage-reads your blog religiously. You’re in his head. Even if he didn’t remember it, your scathing criticism is so burned into his subconscious that he could not help himself. Therefore: spider rockets.

    1. “Even if he didn’t remember it, your scathing criticism is so burned into his subconscious that he could not help himself. Therefore: spider rockets.”

      That’s exactly what my wife was wondering. Just thinking of it was cracking me up last night. I was just flipping through the previews as my wife was sitting at the kitchen table. We were chatting about random things and then I was like, “Holy cow. It’s happening. I called it. It’s the stupid Spider-Rocket! Haha!”

  6. Slott defenders are like the Trumpsters of comics.I also think Slott’s SJW bigotry causes him to view white, middle-class Peter with a demented contempt.

  7. My reaction upon seeing this was the song “Rocket Man” popping into my head. Not the original song sung by Elton John, mind you, but the rendition as “sung” by this guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lul-Y8vSr0I

    Second, this isn’t even the first time Dan Slott sent Spider-Man into space. There was that whole two-part team-up with Johnny Storm where they went to go rescue John Jameson in the Horizon Labs space station. I think it was Amazing Spider-Man #680 – 681.

    Finally, this reasserts my notion, which I did for my review in Amazing Spider-Man #2, that the current volume of Amazing Spider-Man seems far closer to a comic book adaption of the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon than the actual comic book adaption of the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon–especially since that series also had Spider-Man in space. Though I don’t think it involved Spider-Man having his own rocket ship.

    1. Brad and George weren’t wrong when they said that Dan Slott is literally playing with his Action Figure Spider-Man and playing it with his other toys such as a rocket ship. Now the only thing left for it is Spider-Man is using the Millenium Falcon.

    2. “The current volume of Amazing Spider-Man seems far closer to a comic book adaption of the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon than the actual comic book adaption of the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon–especially since that series also had Spider-Man in space.”

      I really liked it years ago when Straczynski had Peter was trying to be a science teacher at a high school. That was so…natural. His work at Horizon Labs under Slott also worked, but it just made sense for Peter to want to mentor young kids.

      If they can somehow get him back into the classroom one day, then I’d give that a big thumbs up.

  8. Slott has basically turned Spider-Man into his own personal Marty Stu. I could buy this crap if it were an original character, but with Spidey? No, it doesn’t feel natural.

  9. How about an outpost on Mars. They could be called “The Spiders from Mars”………um maybe not. I can see a lawsuit coming. 🙂

    Slott’s writing is a weird mix of goofy attempts at humor and only extends to absurd levels of nonsensical stories. Real writers possess a textual skill set across many disciplines of story-telling.

    1. “How about an outpost on Mars. They could be called “The Spiders from Mars”………um maybe not. I can see a lawsuit coming.”

      First it was Stillanerd with the “Rocket Man” reference, and now you with “The Spiders from Mars.” What’s up with Spider-Man fans and their love for David Bowie? Haha. We know that Peter’s favorite song is “China Girl.” (Side note: My wife hates that song…)

      I happen to be partial to “Heroes.”

      “Slott’s writing is a weird mix of goofy attempts at humor and only extends to absurd levels of nonsensical stories.”

      The unfortunate thing is that there is a place for occasional goof-ball stuff in ASM, but as you mention he takes it to absurd levels.

      The thing that exacerbates the problem is ASM’s lack of layers. It pretty much operates on one layer. It’s a mile wide and an inch deep. That’s why you get people who are totally okay with Spider-Rockets and Spider-Submarines, fluently learning Mandarin in 8 months, serious girlfriends from out of nowhere, etc. … it’s popular with people who have no desire whatsoever to look beneath the surface. It’s Spider-Man for the superficial, and even the superficial has a fan club.

  10. Maybe Dan Slott did this on purpose to piss you off. Thinking “This will show this blogger that I’m not a hack! I’ll introduce the Spider-rocket in 3 issues instead of 25!”

    1. “Maybe Dan Slott did this on purpose to piss you off. Thinking ‘This will show this blogger that I’m not a hack! I’ll introduce the Spider-rocket in 3 issues instead of 25!'”

      That would be quite humorous, but for all the wrong reasons. Haha. 🙂

  11. Another thing that just occurred to me — did Peter just stop caring about New York?

    Tony Stark is a big-picture thinker. If he has the ability to fight the big threats, he will. Him going out into space for a while makes sense; he doesn’t really have a city that he specifically protects. He prefers to tackle global or even galactic issues.

    Spider-Man has always been about protecting the little guy in New York City. Sure, he eventually joined the Avengers, and he has gotten involved in big stuff, but he always went back to patrolling the streets and stopping individual muggers and bank robbers.

    So, when he had the opportunity to travel the world, he just…left? Did he leave someone there to do the same job? Is there anyone that a man who is defined by his heavy sense of personal responsibility would trust as much as himself to protect his city? If Sandman or Mysterio or Electro or the Rhino shows up in NYC, is he just not concerned about that anymore? If his replacement Spider-Man fails to prevent one of his villains from killing a bunch of people, and/or gets killed himself, does that not matter to him?

    So let’s say he’s done being Peter Bond-Wayne-Stark; will anyone be happy to see him back in New York? Won’t they resent that he abandoned them for years to go eat dumplings in Shanghai? Does he really turn his back on his hometown so easily, the moment he can?

  12. “Maybe we should come up with a contest to come up with the must absurd idea possible that still seems like it might have a chance of making it into this run of The Amazing Spider-Man. Heh.”

    I don’t know my Spider-man very well, so…

    LETS DO IT!!!

    – How about…Spider-man killing his wife with his ..ahem…reproductive fluids! …wait…thats been done. wow…that has. been. done. I mean…it’s not some indie porn, Image or Dark Horse thing…

    -maybe a story about spidey’s now dead ex-girlfriend sleeping with his best-friend/worst enemy/howthehelldidthathappen…than her kids coming to get revenge on spider-man! …that too?

    -Spider-man trades his marriage to satan to bring back aunt may?! no?

    -Ok, this is original: Spider-man is not Peter Parker, but a clone! and the ‘real’ peter parker is nuts! and theres other clones too! and grabblefrazzle! …been done too…really…well, I’m out of ideas.

    1. “Maybe a story about spidey’s now dead ex-girlfriend sleeping with his best-friend/worst enemy/howthehelldidthathappen…than her kids coming to get revenge on spider-man!”

      That one is even worse than you remember because it wasn’t Harry, but Norman Osborn, responsible for the children… Being a fan of The Amazing Spider-Man is sort of like being a Cubs fan, I guess. We have a long history dealing with disappointment. Unlike Cubs fans, however, I think we have a much more realistic take on the situation in any given year. 😉

    2. oh. dear. god.

      I have deeply underestimated your loyalty and perseverance. Hell…I left X-men over bad Manga art and some crappy characters.

      The Cub’s quip had me rolling

    3. “I have deeply underestimated your loyalty and perseverance. Hell…I left X-men over bad Manga art and some crappy characters.”

      I really did give up on Spidey after a few issues of “Brand New Day.” I kept random tabs on the book just to see if things were getting better, and then when Slott took an unhealthy interest in my reviews, began sliming me on other websites, etc., that’s when I started really thinking about how the mainstream comic sites always treat these guys with kid gloves. The rest is history!

      “The Cub’s quip had me rolling.”

      I grew up just outside Chicago, so I know Cubs fans well. Haha. My dad’s company had season tickets to the White Sox games, unfortunately. Every year we sat directly in back of this giant guy with plumber’s crack. Those were the days!

  13. So the preview for Invincible Iron Man#7 reveals Tony is’nt all together happy with Peter’s company “kicking his ass”, and he definitely doesn’t remember Peter and MJ living in Avengers Tower, not only that, but he also doesn’t remember them even being a couple.
    That’s a bit suspect given he supposedly did research on her before offering her the job, surely he would have stumbled on some mention of her long-term relationship with Peter in all the media articles that have doubtlessly followed MJ’s career choices over the years.
    MJ’s remarks that she knew Peter “in college and other stuff” partially annoyed me for your typical ‘shipper reasons, but at the same time it sort of makes sense for her not to tell Tony about their intimate history given she just got the job and that would lead to trust issues right there and then.

    We also learn MJ still has Peter’s emergency number, which she hands over to Tony so he can enlist Spidey’s help in Tokyo.


    Over in the newspapers, a much more supporting MJ wants Peter to take her to see Doc Strange in person, Peter reminds her that they’re not exactly buddies and they’ve only crossed paths “once or twice” in this continuity, with the first being a callback to the annual where they fought Xandu…little suspecting Xandu is currently stalking the Parkers and is eavesdropping. Again, I love how the strip comes through for Peter/MJ fans, showing someone who wants to get a real kick out of the superhero side to Peter’s world, rather than choose fear over life.

    1. “So the preview for Invincible Iron Man#7 reveals Tony is’nt all together happy with Peter’s company ‘kicking his ass,’ and he definitely doesn’t remember Peter and MJ living in Avengers Tower, not only that, but he also doesn’t remember them even being a couple.”

      Groan… I guess we’ll see how it’s all handled, but this sounds rather annoying.

  14. I don’t get why Stark not remembering them living in Avengers Tower is needed for the current continuity. Regardless of OMD or Secret Wars, didn’t Peter still unmask? Shouldn’t Stark remember that Spider-Man unmasked at his urging?

    1. It’s funny to see that Marvel fans stomp up and down in regards to that, insisting it was the spell Strange, Tony and Reed Richards all worked on that caused the “psychic blindspot” that undid the unmasking in the One Moment In Time arc, and not the reality warping of a chaos demon (seemingly ignoring that the very same story opens with Mephisto altering reality)

    2. “It’s funny to see that Marvel fans stomp up and down in regards to that, insisting it was the spell Strange, Tony and Reed Richards all worked on that caused the “psychic blindspot” that undid the unmasking in the One Moment In Time arc, and not the reality warping of a chaos demon (seemingly ignoring that the very same story opens with Mephisto altering reality)”

      Wait, so it wasn’t Mephisto? Haha! My knowledge of that whole time period isn’t solid. I wasn’t regularly buying Marvel at that time due to all the stupidity going on… Was the “blind spot” connected with “The Illuminati” storyline?

    3. Sort of. MJ gets injured, Peter takes her to get healed up by Strange, and then he gets Tony, Reed and Strange together and begs them to conceal his identity again with the combination of technology and magic. Peter decides to keep MJ in on the secret at the last minute just as the spell comes into effect, and that’s why MJ abandons him, because she “wanted to forget” and spare her family any further risk as her Aunt Anna had come under attack from The Kingpin’s henchmen earlier in the story (that’s how she got injured). I still reckon that’s b.s given MJ was willing to have a kid with Peter at one point in her life time, not to mention in the MC2 reality, she spent the final two years of Peter’s active superhero life raising a baby with him while evil Lex Luthor rip-off Norman Osborn hung over their heads.

    4. “Peter decides to keep MJ in on the secret at the last minute just as the spell comes into effect, and that’s why MJ abandons him, because she ‘wanted to forget’ and spare her family… I still reckon that’s b.s.”

      Now that you mention MJ’s “wanting to forget” line it’s starting to come back to me! 🙂 I was so disgusted with that whole era and I agree with you that MJ would want to know the truth.

  15. it’s fun coming here and read all the opinions than differs from the ones I have xD some people like the changes, some don’t I have come to accept that, about Iron Man, I just don’t understand MJ… I mean, didn’t she move because she did not want to deal with all the superhero craziness??? and what she does??? she goes where Iron Man operates and go find a job in the company who is owned by Iron Man… that kind of doesn’t make sense XD

    1. “About Iron Man, I just don’t understand MJ… I mean, didn’t she move because she did not want to deal with all the superhero craziness

      I think the reason ASM fans are okay with that is because they know Marvel has put dumb words in her mouth for years just to keep her away from Peter. The decision to allow Bendis to use MJ highlights just how disingenuous Marvel’s editorial team has been.

    2. Sadly, I don’t think they’re going to let up on that…MJ is scheduled to appear again in Amazing Spider-Man this spring in the “Power Play” story line so I’m sure Slott has plenty more b.s reasons to give to her in order to keep her out of Peter’s life (and it’ll have a lot to do with Peter keeping the girl who tried to kill him as his lobster)

    1. “And did you notice which song is first playing on Spider-Man’s soundtrack as he and Nick Jr. blast off? Dear lord, Dan Slott and I have gotten into each others heads!”

      Does this mean you, me and Dan Slott have somehow fallen victim to some sort of triple mind-melt? Nooooooooo!

      I’m cool with you, Mike. I think we’d be pretty good in a Pacific Rim Jäger together. I don’t want to imagine me in a Jäger with Dan. 😉

    2. “Here’s another for you list, courtesy of Spider-Man Deadpool #3 preview – A lie detector built into a spider tracer.”

      What…the…heck? Unreal.

    3. Yep!!! oh and did I forget to mention it electrocutes you if you lie. Nothing like a little torture to add to Spider-Man resume.

    4. “Yep!!! oh and did I forget to mention it electrocutes you if you lie. Nothing like a little torture to add to Spider-Man resume.”

      Are all the editors at Marvel asleep at the wheel? How can someone pitch these ideas with a straight face, and then how can they be given the green light? It’s embarrassing.

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